
Anthony Strawder Ministries (ASM)
Anthony Strawder Ministries (ASM) was founded in 1983, later incorporated in 1996 “Teaching them to observe all things…” is the mandate and motto of the ministry. Anthony has been in ministry for over 36 years with over 26 years of pastoral work. He is noted as a prophet and teacher operating in an apostolic anointing. All ministries fall under the umbrella of ASM for the sole purpose of “Teaching them to observe all things…” and taking it to the world on every available voice.
"Teaching them to observe all things…” Matthew 28:20

Living Faith Bible Church (LFBC)
Living Faith Bible Church (LFBC) is a local church with a class room atmosphere. The purpose is to create a place where the believer can worship the Father in Spirit and Truth, learn to hear the voice of God, flow with the anointing and, find their call and part within the body of Christ. This is for the local lay member. The congregation in mostly made up of staff members and helpers that serve at Anthony Strawder Ministries.
“Training believers to live by faith…” Romans 1:17

ASM Healing School
ASM Healing School is held occasionally for specific seasons as the spirit of God leads Brother Strawder. These classes are conducted in a classroom style environment where the Word is closely examined like a scientist examines their subject under a microscope. Ministry is by process of elimination to detect the root cause of the sickness like a physician diagnoses a patient. Classes are for all those who are in need of healing , those who want to know more about the subject or learn to minister healing. Note – we recommend you attend at least 3 services before you get prayed for. This allows your faith to build. However, we endeavor to be led by the Spirit and minister as He leads.
“…they came to hear… and to be healed.”

Epignosis Bible Training Center (EBTC)
~ Not currently in session. School will resume at the Lord's direction. ~
Epignosis Bible Training Center (EBTC) is a two-year school designed to train the believer to come to know the God they serve more intimately and be established in the basic foundations of faith. Secondly, to train ministers to be led by the spirit and find and fulfill their heavenly calling. The school is for those with a genuine call to ministry and helps.
"Where the foundations of God Standeth sure" II Timothy 2:19